Maybe like me, you grew believing there is a right way for everything. Why then, does someone choose to engage in "bad", unethical, immoral behaviors. Bad is only in reference to what you believe is good.
From Psychology Today, Dr. Raj Raghunathan says: " Think of someone that you dislike. Let’s call this person X. Now, imagine that you were born with X’s “genetic material.” That is, imagine that you had X’s looks, body odor, inherent tastes,intelligence, aptitudes, etc. Imagine, further, that you had X’s upbringing and life-experiences as well; so, imagine that you had X’s parents growing up, and that you grew up in the same country, city, and neighborhood in which X grew up, etc.
Would you behave any differently from how X behaves?
Most people realize, perhaps after a moment of startled pause, that the answer to the question is No. "
Dr. Raj Raghunathan makes this argument in regards to human's not having free will. Based off his conclusion, we can use it to explain why our perspectives and another person's perspective are not the same.
The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. The more questions you end up with. The answers are out there. Maybe with the knowledge of every single thing, every single perspective, you will be able to find the truth. But that will never happen. There is more knowledge in this world than you can possibly obtain and comprehend in your lifetime. Sometimes it seems better off to just forget about seeking the truth, the right answers.One thing I've learned about the truth... is there is no real truth. There is no right or wrong. Instead its best to take in all the perspectives, integrate them, and formulate your own truth and perspective. Find a balance between it all.
Why is finding a balance the best thing to do? While some may argue to fight for what you believe in, if you end up fighting for the wrong thing then what happens after? It appears that nature really wants balance. Yin and yang, hot and cold, up and down, good and evil. One cannot exist without the other. The truth is just finding the perfect balance.
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