Friday, May 25, 2012

Focus On Today

Tomorrow is a new day. Yesterday has already gone by. Don't worry about what happened yesterday whether or not you did the right or wrong things and made the best choices. Don't try to take on tomorrow's task either, that is what tomorrow is for. Try not to add more to the list to do tomorrow though by procrastinating. The point is today is here today is now. So your focus should be on doing the best and making the best of today. Focus on making this moment, this day a good day and you can have something good to look back on and the future has something good to build up from.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stay Positive

"The mind in itself and in its own place can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell."                                                                                                                     -John Milton

It is important to rid yourself of negative thoughts. Do not fear, doubt, second guess. People who are successful focus on the positive and dont even have time to think about the negatives. You must continue to move forward and focus on the goal. What you think you become. Think successful and you will be successful. Think positive. Stay positive and keep on striving.

Do not fall into a negative cycle of thinking. It becomes an endless loop of dark, depressing, hopeless despair of a feeling. "Misery loves company" Break free of that and never pay any it any attention.  Successful people are positive people and are always busy because they know there is always something to look forward to.

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything they have"

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Failure Isn't Always A Bad Thing

Failure is only bad in one scenario; when the failure costs you your life. In all other cases, failure is a good thing. Life's lessons are learned through failures. Growth occurs through pains and suffering. If you don't know the worst you cannot and will not be able to appreciate the best.

Failure is a fact of life. At one point or another in your life, and in many more times to come, you will find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless. You will try your best to get through and you will fail. But so long as you do not give up completely, persevere and you will eventually find a solution. You will move on as a newer, better, stronger, wiser person. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and what pampers you, makes you weaker. So don't stay in the path of safety and security and comfort ALL THE TIME. Sometimes you have to take risks to advance yourself. The greatest the risk, the greater the glory. But do not be afraid of failing or the thought of it. Failures promote growth. It is okay to make mistakes and to fail.

"The greatest mistake you can make in your life is to continually fearing you will..."

                                                                                                         -Elbert Hubbard

This doesn't mean you go around looking for things to fail at, that would be foolish. However, when you put your heart into something you love and want to do and find that you are not making progress. When you feel as though you at the whim of defeat, turn it around. Turn the failure into success. Its a blessing in disguise.

Every negative can be balanced with its positive opposite. There's always a good and bad in every situation, your job is to find the good from every bad situation

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
                                                                                                         -Winston Churchill

Failure can lead you through a transition. Real failure leads you through a transformation. In a sense you learn and change. Don't dwell. Don't feel bad about it. Learn from it and move on. Do not repeat the failure. If its not working then you must learn from it. Change something. Don't keep doing it.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
                                                                                                         -Albert Einstein

So what should you take out of this? If there's anything to learn from this is that you should not let your fear of making mistakes and your fear of failing hold you back from doing what you want. The most important thing is to take action and to take some chances and go out and try it! If it didn't work then realize that its only normal. Try again in a different way or in a different scenario but never let your pride and ego bring you down and keep you from growing and moving forward in life.

Just Some Random Notes

We are our own values and totally responsible for our current situation in life.

Your income is directly related to your philosophy. Not the economy.

Strong desires = Strong results

For things to change, YOU have to change.

Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted.

You HEAR with your ears but LISTEN with your emotions (heart). 

Help enough people get what they want and you'll get what you want.

No one will take care of you but YOU. Love yourself. 

We will all die someday. Life either ends in a tragedy or success... how will you go out?

Friendship...what is it nowadays?

Here's how you become productive today. Ask yourself "Where am I going? Who will go with me?" Never switch the order around or you will find yourself in TROUBLE.

What you want must be your #1 priority. Do not mix it. It has to be THE thing not A thing.

The internet has transformed life into a game. We now live in a virtual world. 

Comfort is the enemy of success.

A set back
 is a set up 
for a come back

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Expect the unexpected

Teach, Do, Show

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty

Inspire Yourself Everyday

Follow these five simple steps whenever you feel a lack of motivation or uninspired. Post this on your wall and look at it every morning before you start your day.

  1. Love Yourself. Feel good about yourself. (Don't worry about the imperfections.)
  2. Appreciate (All life, all nature, all things non man-made)
  3. Respect God the Higher Power
  4. Believe Belive Believe. In yourself and in God
  5. State what you want in life. Think it. Visualize it. Speak it. Believe it will come. (REMOVE ALL NEGATIVE thoughts)
After doing this, you can start your day off with a positive vibe. Enjoy the rest of your day on a positive note.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Taking Shortcuts not Worth It In The Long Run

Usually, finding shortcuts to anything you do comes with a price. Hard work and diligence takes lots of time but really pays off. Finding a shortcut in life pays well also, but at a heavy price. Are you really willing to sell your soul to the devil to gain momentarily? In the end, taking shortcuts means you miss out on the details, the important things that truly matter. 
Life is not a race, its not a competition, its a marathon. You go at your own pace, we will all get to that finish line. Why rush yourself. Why take shortcuts and cheat through life. Earn your rewards the real way. Energy that is used will be compensated. The more you put out, the more you will get back.
If you find ways to cheat through life dishonestly, nature will find a way to pay you back for disturbing the balance. Ever heard of good and bad karma? So just keep doing whats appropriate and pace yourself through life. No rush necessary

Often times I find people Cliqueing rather than Clicking

 “Cliqueing” Characteristics

>  Gossip
>  Guardedness
>  Fake
>  Hurt feelings
>  Worry
>  Don’t know where you stand
>  Alienation
>  Exclusion
>  Resentment

“Clicking” Characteristics

>  Honesty
>  Transparency
>  Authentic
>  Love
>  Encouragement
>  Always know where you stand.
>  Friendships
>  Inclusion
>  Forgiveness

Ways to help your group “Click”
  • Welcome all newcomers. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to neglect new people when you’re catching up with your best friend.
  • Alienate the Right People. Of course you don’t really want to alienate anyone, but if you’re not sure who you should sit next to or talk to ask yourself, “who is less likely to be offended if I don’t talk to her?” This means I shouldn’t always sit with my best friend, but intentionally sit by new people or people I know less-well so I can get to know them. When this behavior is demonstrated, it will be imitated by the others in the group.
  • Communicate With Everyone. When an email goes out, make sure everyone gets it. Ask group members to “reply to all” with group emails so everyone is in on the conversation. Make sure that all email addresses and phone numbers are up to date. Email is a great way to share prayer requests discussed each week. You might even consider setting up a facebook page for your group where you can share with each other.
  • Group outside the group. Encourage the ladies in your group to get together for extra activities like going to dinner, catching a movie, going shopping or meeting for tea. Just be sure spell out that these activities shouldn’t just be for “best friends”. They should be inclusive activities as often as possible so everyone in the group is able to form new bonds.
  • Remember birthdays and/or anniversaries. Keeping a calendar with everyone’s birthdays (even kid’s birthdays) and/or anniversaries is a great way to show that you care. Sending a note or a small gift makes people feel loved and remembered. However, make sure to use this information if you are going to ask for it. It’s terrible to ask someone for their birth date and then not remember them on that day!!!
  • Ask everyone to help. Try to include everyone in helping with the group with food, drinks, etc. Don’t put people on the spot however. You don’t want to ask someone to bring food only to find out that they are embarrassed by their inability to cook. Instead create a signup sheet that allows people to sign up as they feel comfortable.