Tuesday, May 15, 2012

People Are Making Money Off Others Misfortunes

Believe it or not, the best marketers are the one's who capitalize on your misfortunes. Marketers realize that the best time to make money off you is when you are in a transitioning phase. The time you need guidance and are unsure of what steps to take. This is when greedy, selfish, unethical marketers come in.

They realize that you need some direction, they step in between you and your desires and lead you directly to it. They sell you right off the bat when they pretend to care by giving you free valuable information (establishing trust and credibility). Once you're in, they feed of your true desires, for example if you are in a breakup...they will lead you to information on "how to deal with break-ups" or "the best way to get over a relationship". You've seen it all. 

If you are in depression, "how to get over despression with these simple steps". They tease you with information, valuable ones. This catches your attention. They bait you, lure you in. Then they throw their sales pitch. These marketers are so sly that you don't even see it coming. They ease you in, reel you in slowly, then before you know it your wallet is ten times lighter than before you met this person. You trust this individual so you give them all your money so that you can feel better.

Its a shame that we have to find money through other's misfortunes or times of struggle. True advice is free. If you truly want to guide or help someone, its best to do so through FREE ADVICE and NEVER CHARGING for it. 

People want to feel good. Happiness is inside of you, yet you choose not to be happy by buying into the hypes. 

We are brainwashed by society to be flashy. We want image, reputation, acknowledgement. But at the end of the day are you truly happy with yourself? Do you feel truly fulfilled?

Marketers build off of what you want, they exemplify that feeling so you cant resist. Once you're sold, they can really care less about you. Business is business. Why do you think the tobacco company is so rich.? The pharmaceuticals, the health, fitness, weight loss, and love are the most profitable because this is where most people struggle in their lives. This is where life's constant struggles take place. And when you're uncertain, the first light you see you will follow. Once you give yourself to them, it is over for you. These business people continue to guide you towards your solution yet introduce new ones to you in the meantime, finding new ways to steal everything out of your pocket.

Don't fall into the marketing trap. This infinite loop where you are consistently giving a percentage of your hard earned money to someone who can care less about you in the end. Find real free advice from close friends. Find it from people you know. If not, be brave, be bold. Live and learn yourself. Take some chances, take some risks. Don't be afraid to take it head on, headstrong. Whatever the outcome may be, its better to have said you tried what you thought was best for yourself. You will learn if that is something that works, which you can continue to apply for yourself, or if it didnt you have the knowledge to teach others you care about who will one day need that knowledge from you. Don't be greedy and try to capitalize on another person's misfortunes. Do the right thing and lend a hand because you truly care.  

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