Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why Dwelling In The Past And Fearing The Future Is Pointless

Often times we find ourselves contemplating about things that should have been. Oh the things that could have been accomplished if only "this" happened differently or if only "that" had no occurred. Other times we dream of how things could be. Then we say to ourselves, what if that doesn't happen. What if I can't get there? What if  "this" or what if  "that" . Forget it. Drop all those thoughts and focus on what you can do now. The now becomes the future very soon. Make the now a positive one so that when you look back you have something positive to look back at. Make the now a positive one so that you have more positive things to look forward to.

"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment"

The Past

Usually when people speak of the past, they speak in terms of memory and the wonderful moments they've had back in the days. These memories evoke a sense of nostalgia, a feeling of euphoric longing for the good old days, at least if one gets caught up in the thought. 

This may bring about positive feelings, laughter and joys from reminiscing. However, every thought should have its limits. Once the thought of the past becomes dwelling and you find yourself consumed and obsessed with the it, its time to stop. Cut the cord before it tangles you up and chokes you. Dwelling on the past has even been linked to Depression in some cases. Keep memories what they are, simply memories. The past stays must stay in the past, we must move forward.

The Future

As for the future, in this fast paced society where technological advances seem to occur faster than one may keep up with, there's no real time to think too far ahead because if one stops to think, he will fall behind. Most of the time we are too concerned with what to do next. Keys. Check. Wallet. Check. Cell phone. Check. Check. Check. Check. Too busy checking off of a list of things to do. We must keep up with the lastest and greatest thing out there. If one does not keep up, he is in danger of facing impending doom or find himself wallowing in self-pity. What will happen if I am unable to keep up? Will I be a failure? I am a failure. Where will my life go? No one will acknowledge or respect me. I won't be cool. I won't be happy with myself. I won't. What if this? What if that? Suddenly fear creeps in and takes over.

As I was browsing the future timeline I began to ask myself, what is the purpose of all that we are doing? What makes us do what we do? What makes us WANT to do what we do? Why are we doing all these things if in the end, the results will be the same. What IS the purpose of life? Looking at the timeline, the end of time will consist of emptiness. So are we fated to end up in eternal darkness despite what good or evil  we've done? I do realize that the timeline is only a prediction based on current facts we know about how the universe and the laws of the universe works. People may argue about religion and faith, however, that is another topic for discussion. This brings about my point, thinking about all that is truly pointless. Its great to want to see what possibilities there are however, to think far beyond the limitations of human comprehension and beyond our own lifetimes do more harm than good.

So why is it pointless? It is pointless because no matter how much you think about it, the truth will remain that your lifetime will end long before that is ever proven. We will never know until it happens. Just like the prediction about the world's end in 2012. Some believe. Some refuse to believe. It will only show when the time comes.

The Present

This is the here and now. Its the only time to enjoy. Forget about what wrongs and mistakes you may have made and done. Take it as a learning lesson for a better brighter future. Too much future thinking can bring about anxiety because no one is sure of how the world will be. We are all still human beings and while the most intelligent of our species may believe they have it all figured out, their thoughts, beliefs, values, and morals will all become obsolete. So dont forget to live in the moment. Carpe Diem -- Seize the day.

A man
"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be"
-Albert Einstein
Final Thoughts

Too much of anything will do more good than harm.

Dwelling can cause Depression. It is ok to reminisce, however, too much nostalgia, too much strolling down memory lane can have a detrimental affect. Once the negative thoughts start to creep in just snap back to reality.

Fear creates Anxiety, especially fearing the future. Live and learn. No one is perfect. No one knows the absolute truth. We live in a world of illusion. Reality is what we make of it for ourselves so focus on a positive future that pertains to your lifetime. Accept what is in front of you. Don't let what you believe should be fool you. Work hard for a brighter future but in the meantime, enjoy life's gift, the present. 

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