Friday, May 25, 2012
Focus On Today
Tomorrow is a new day. Yesterday has already gone by. Don't worry about what happened yesterday whether or not you did the right or wrong things and made the best choices. Don't try to take on tomorrow's task either, that is what tomorrow is for. Try not to add more to the list to do tomorrow though by procrastinating. The point is today is here today is now. So your focus should be on doing the best and making the best of today. Focus on making this moment, this day a good day and you can have something good to look back on and the future has something good to build up from.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Stay Positive
It is important to rid yourself of negative thoughts. Do not fear, doubt, second guess. People who are successful focus on the positive and dont even have time to think about the negatives. You must continue to move forward and focus on the goal. What you think you become. Think successful and you will be successful. Think positive. Stay positive and keep on striving.
Do not fall into a negative cycle of thinking. It becomes an endless loop of dark, depressing, hopeless despair of a feeling. "Misery loves company" Break free of that and never pay any it any attention. Successful people are positive people and are always busy because they know there is always something to look forward to.
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything they have"
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Failure Isn't Always A Bad Thing
Failure is only bad in one scenario; when the failure costs you your life. In all other cases, failure is a good thing. Life's lessons are learned through failures. Growth occurs through pains and suffering. If you don't know the worst you cannot and will not be able to appreciate the best.
Failure is a fact of life. At one point or another in your life, and in many more times to come, you will find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless. You will try your best to get through and you will fail. But so long as you do not give up completely, persevere and you will eventually find a solution. You will move on as a newer, better, stronger, wiser person. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and what pampers you, makes you weaker. So don't stay in the path of safety and security and comfort ALL THE TIME. Sometimes you have to take risks to advance yourself. The greatest the risk, the greater the glory. But do not be afraid of failing or the thought of it. Failures promote growth. It is okay to make mistakes and to fail.
"The greatest mistake you can make in your life is to continually fearing you will..."
-Elbert Hubbard
This doesn't mean you go around looking for things to fail at, that would be foolish. However, when you put your heart into something you love and want to do and find that you are not making progress. When you feel as though you at the whim of defeat, turn it around. Turn the failure into success. Its a blessing in disguise.
Every negative can be balanced with its positive opposite. There's always a good and bad in every situation, your job is to find the good from every bad situation
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
-Winston Churchill
Failure can lead you through a transition. Real failure leads you through a transformation. In a sense you learn and change. Don't dwell. Don't feel bad about it. Learn from it and move on. Do not repeat the failure. If its not working then you must learn from it. Change something. Don't keep doing it.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
So what should you take out of this? If there's anything to learn from this is that you should not let your fear of making mistakes and your fear of failing hold you back from doing what you want. The most important thing is to take action and to take some chances and go out and try it! If it didn't work then realize that its only normal. Try again in a different way or in a different scenario but never let your pride and ego bring you down and keep you from growing and moving forward in life.
Failure is a fact of life. At one point or another in your life, and in many more times to come, you will find yourself in a situation that seems hopeless. You will try your best to get through and you will fail. But so long as you do not give up completely, persevere and you will eventually find a solution. You will move on as a newer, better, stronger, wiser person. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and what pampers you, makes you weaker. So don't stay in the path of safety and security and comfort ALL THE TIME. Sometimes you have to take risks to advance yourself. The greatest the risk, the greater the glory. But do not be afraid of failing or the thought of it. Failures promote growth. It is okay to make mistakes and to fail.
"The greatest mistake you can make in your life is to continually fearing you will..."
-Elbert Hubbard
This doesn't mean you go around looking for things to fail at, that would be foolish. However, when you put your heart into something you love and want to do and find that you are not making progress. When you feel as though you at the whim of defeat, turn it around. Turn the failure into success. Its a blessing in disguise.
Every negative can be balanced with its positive opposite. There's always a good and bad in every situation, your job is to find the good from every bad situation
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
-Winston Churchill
Failure can lead you through a transition. Real failure leads you through a transformation. In a sense you learn and change. Don't dwell. Don't feel bad about it. Learn from it and move on. Do not repeat the failure. If its not working then you must learn from it. Change something. Don't keep doing it.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein
So what should you take out of this? If there's anything to learn from this is that you should not let your fear of making mistakes and your fear of failing hold you back from doing what you want. The most important thing is to take action and to take some chances and go out and try it! If it didn't work then realize that its only normal. Try again in a different way or in a different scenario but never let your pride and ego bring you down and keep you from growing and moving forward in life.
Just Some Random Notes
We are our own values and totally responsible for our current situation in life.
Your income is directly related to your philosophy. Not the economy.
Strong desires = Strong results
For things to change, YOU have to change.
Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted.
You HEAR with your ears but LISTEN with your emotions (heart).
Help enough people get what they want and you'll get what you want.
No one will take care of you but YOU. Love yourself.
We will all die someday. Life either ends in a tragedy or success... how will you go out?
Friendship...what is it nowadays?
Here's how you become productive today. Ask yourself "Where am I going? Who will go with me?" Never switch the order around or you will find yourself in TROUBLE.
What you want must be your #1 priority. Do not mix it. It has to be THE thing not A thing.
The internet has transformed life into a game. We now live in a virtual world.
Comfort is the enemy of success.
A set back
is a set up
for a come back
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Expect the unexpected
Teach, Do, Show
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty
Inspire Yourself Everyday
Follow these five simple steps whenever you feel a lack of motivation or uninspired. Post this on your wall and look at it every morning before you start your day.
- Love Yourself. Feel good about yourself. (Don't worry about the imperfections.)
- Appreciate (All life, all nature, all things non man-made)
- Respect God the Higher Power
- Believe Belive Believe. In yourself and in God
- State what you want in life. Think it. Visualize it. Speak it. Believe it will come. (REMOVE ALL NEGATIVE thoughts)
After doing this, you can start your day off with a positive vibe. Enjoy the rest of your day on a positive note.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Taking Shortcuts not Worth It In The Long Run
Usually, finding shortcuts to anything you do comes with a price. Hard work and diligence takes lots of time but really pays off. Finding a shortcut in life pays well also, but at a heavy price. Are you really willing to sell your soul to the devil to gain momentarily? In the end, taking shortcuts means you miss out on the details, the important things that truly matter.
Life is not a race, its not a competition, its a marathon. You go at your own pace, we will all get to that finish line. Why rush yourself. Why take shortcuts and cheat through life. Earn your rewards the real way. Energy that is used will be compensated. The more you put out, the more you will get back.
If you find ways to cheat through life dishonestly, nature will find a way to pay you back for disturbing the balance. Ever heard of good and bad karma? So just keep doing whats appropriate and pace yourself through life. No rush necessary
Often times I find people Cliqueing rather than Clicking
“Cliqueing” Characteristics
> Gossip
> Guardedness
> Fake
> Hurt feelings
> Worry
> Don’t know where you stand
> Alienation
> Exclusion
> Resentment
| “Clicking” Characteristics
> Honesty
> Transparency
> Authentic
> Love
> Encouragement
> Always know where you stand.
> Friendships
> Inclusion
> Forgiveness
Ways to help your group “Click”
- Welcome all newcomers. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to neglect new people when you’re catching up with your best friend.
- Alienate the Right People. Of course you don’t really want to alienate anyone, but if you’re not sure who you should sit next to or talk to ask yourself, “who is less likely to be offended if I don’t talk to her?” This means I shouldn’t always sit with my best friend, but intentionally sit by new people or people I know less-well so I can get to know them. When this behavior is demonstrated, it will be imitated by the others in the group.
- Communicate With Everyone. When an email goes out, make sure everyone gets it. Ask group members to “reply to all” with group emails so everyone is in on the conversation. Make sure that all email addresses and phone numbers are up to date. Email is a great way to share prayer requests discussed each week. You might even consider setting up a facebook page for your group where you can share with each other.
- Group outside the group. Encourage the ladies in your group to get together for extra activities like going to dinner, catching a movie, going shopping or meeting for tea. Just be sure spell out that these activities shouldn’t just be for “best friends”. They should be inclusive activities as often as possible so everyone in the group is able to form new bonds.
- Remember birthdays and/or anniversaries. Keeping a calendar with everyone’s birthdays (even kid’s birthdays) and/or anniversaries is a great way to show that you care. Sending a note or a small gift makes people feel loved and remembered. However, make sure to use this information if you are going to ask for it. It’s terrible to ask someone for their birth date and then not remember them on that day!!!
- Ask everyone to help. Try to include everyone in helping with the group with food, drinks, etc. Don’t put people on the spot however. You don’t want to ask someone to bring food only to find out that they are embarrassed by their inability to cook. Instead create a signup sheet that allows people to sign up as they feel comfortable.
People Are Making Money Off Others Misfortunes
Believe it or not, the best marketers are the one's who capitalize on your misfortunes. Marketers realize that the best time to make money off you is when you are in a transitioning phase. The time you need guidance and are unsure of what steps to take. This is when greedy, selfish, unethical marketers come in.
They realize that you need some direction, they step in between you and your desires and lead you directly to it. They sell you right off the bat when they pretend to care by giving you free valuable information (establishing trust and credibility). Once you're in, they feed of your true desires, for example if you are in a breakup...they will lead you to information on "how to deal with break-ups" or "the best way to get over a relationship". You've seen it all.
If you are in depression, "how to get over despression with these simple steps". They tease you with information, valuable ones. This catches your attention. They bait you, lure you in. Then they throw their sales pitch. These marketers are so sly that you don't even see it coming. They ease you in, reel you in slowly, then before you know it your wallet is ten times lighter than before you met this person. You trust this individual so you give them all your money so that you can feel better.
Its a shame that we have to find money through other's misfortunes or times of struggle. True advice is free. If you truly want to guide or help someone, its best to do so through FREE ADVICE and NEVER CHARGING for it.
People want to feel good. Happiness is inside of you, yet you choose not to be happy by buying into the hypes.
We are brainwashed by society to be flashy. We want image, reputation, acknowledgement. But at the end of the day are you truly happy with yourself? Do you feel truly fulfilled?
Marketers build off of what you want, they exemplify that feeling so you cant resist. Once you're sold, they can really care less about you. Business is business. Why do you think the tobacco company is so rich.? The pharmaceuticals, the health, fitness, weight loss, and love are the most profitable because this is where most people struggle in their lives. This is where life's constant struggles take place. And when you're uncertain, the first light you see you will follow. Once you give yourself to them, it is over for you. These business people continue to guide you towards your solution yet introduce new ones to you in the meantime, finding new ways to steal everything out of your pocket.
Don't fall into the marketing trap. This infinite loop where you are consistently giving a percentage of your hard earned money to someone who can care less about you in the end. Find real free advice from close friends. Find it from people you know. If not, be brave, be bold. Live and learn yourself. Take some chances, take some risks. Don't be afraid to take it head on, headstrong. Whatever the outcome may be, its better to have said you tried what you thought was best for yourself. You will learn if that is something that works, which you can continue to apply for yourself, or if it didnt you have the knowledge to teach others you care about who will one day need that knowledge from you. Don't be greedy and try to capitalize on another person's misfortunes. Do the right thing and lend a hand because you truly care.
Don't fall into the marketing trap. This infinite loop where you are consistently giving a percentage of your hard earned money to someone who can care less about you in the end. Find real free advice from close friends. Find it from people you know. If not, be brave, be bold. Live and learn yourself. Take some chances, take some risks. Don't be afraid to take it head on, headstrong. Whatever the outcome may be, its better to have said you tried what you thought was best for yourself. You will learn if that is something that works, which you can continue to apply for yourself, or if it didnt you have the knowledge to teach others you care about who will one day need that knowledge from you. Don't be greedy and try to capitalize on another person's misfortunes. Do the right thing and lend a hand because you truly care.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Life is Full of Contractions, Find a Balance
You want to know the truth. You read all you can. You research. You study. You go around looking for the right answers. When you're asking for someone's opinions and advice, one person says one thing and another person says the complete opposite. This leaves you in more of a disposition than before your inquiries. Life is really full of contradictions. What is good for one person may be the worst thing for another. Its all about perspective. Yes perspective is everything. There are billions of people in the world, each with their own unique personalities, experiences, and PERSPECTIVE.
Maybe like me, you grew believing there is a right way for everything. Why then, does someone choose to engage in "bad", unethical, immoral behaviors. Bad is only in reference to what you believe is good.
From Psychology Today, Dr. Raj Raghunathan says: " Think of someone that you dislike. Let’s call this person X. Now, imagine that you were born with X’s “genetic material.” That is, imagine that you had X’s looks, body odor, inherent tastes,intelligence, aptitudes, etc. Imagine, further, that you had X’s upbringing and life-experiences as well; so, imagine that you had X’s parents growing up, and that you grew up in the same country, city, and neighborhood in which X grew up, etc.
Dr. Raj Raghunathan makes this argument in regards to human's not having free will. Based off his conclusion, we can use it to explain why our perspectives and another person's perspective are not the same.
The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. The more questions you end up with. The answers are out there. Maybe with the knowledge of every single thing, every single perspective, you will be able to find the truth. But that will never happen. There is more knowledge in this world than you can possibly obtain and comprehend in your lifetime. Sometimes it seems better off to just forget about seeking the truth, the right answers.One thing I've learned about the truth... is there is no real truth. There is no right or wrong. Instead its best to take in all the perspectives, integrate them, and formulate your own truth and perspective. Find a balance between it all.
Why is finding a balance the best thing to do? While some may argue to fight for what you believe in, if you end up fighting for the wrong thing then what happens after? It appears that nature really wants balance. Yin and yang, hot and cold, up and down, good and evil. One cannot exist without the other. The truth is just finding the perfect balance.
Maybe like me, you grew believing there is a right way for everything. Why then, does someone choose to engage in "bad", unethical, immoral behaviors. Bad is only in reference to what you believe is good.
From Psychology Today, Dr. Raj Raghunathan says: " Think of someone that you dislike. Let’s call this person X. Now, imagine that you were born with X’s “genetic material.” That is, imagine that you had X’s looks, body odor, inherent tastes,intelligence, aptitudes, etc. Imagine, further, that you had X’s upbringing and life-experiences as well; so, imagine that you had X’s parents growing up, and that you grew up in the same country, city, and neighborhood in which X grew up, etc.
Would you behave any differently from how X behaves?
Most people realize, perhaps after a moment of startled pause, that the answer to the question is No. "
Dr. Raj Raghunathan makes this argument in regards to human's not having free will. Based off his conclusion, we can use it to explain why our perspectives and another person's perspective are not the same.
The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. The more questions you end up with. The answers are out there. Maybe with the knowledge of every single thing, every single perspective, you will be able to find the truth. But that will never happen. There is more knowledge in this world than you can possibly obtain and comprehend in your lifetime. Sometimes it seems better off to just forget about seeking the truth, the right answers.One thing I've learned about the truth... is there is no real truth. There is no right or wrong. Instead its best to take in all the perspectives, integrate them, and formulate your own truth and perspective. Find a balance between it all.
Why is finding a balance the best thing to do? While some may argue to fight for what you believe in, if you end up fighting for the wrong thing then what happens after? It appears that nature really wants balance. Yin and yang, hot and cold, up and down, good and evil. One cannot exist without the other. The truth is just finding the perfect balance.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Don't Be Fooled: The Experts Make Everything Look Easy
Look around and all you see are successful individuals. Yes you are capable of the same. But there is this perceived illusion that its an easy thing to acheive. Life is simple. Success is simple. However, just because something is simple doesn't mean that it is easy. Some of the most simple concepts are probably the hardest to master. For example, learning to play an instrument (guitar, piano, drums, etc) is a simple thing to do with some basic instruction and practice. But playing music and playing it well is another story. In order to become a master at something that means you must devote your time into it. This means commitment. This applies to anything, whether it be photography, dancing, singing, teaching, driving, flying a plane, drawing, cooking, etc, it all boils down to commitment.
Individuals who make things look so simple and easy are the true experts at what they do. They have actively engaged themselves in that activity for many months and years to come. They will continue to improve and become better each day.
You probably believe that because so many people are capable to doing something well you too can just easily jump in and become an expert at it. Then the truth sets in, reality check. When you truly realize that you are not good at it, you want to give up. It becomes discouraging. You rationalize, make excuses, and say well this isn't worth my time, this is stupid.
Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan are considered one of the greatest in their field of expertise. Why? Because that was the only thing they focused on. Were they always great? NO. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you are always half-heartedly jumping from one thing to the next, you will never be satisfied with the results. You will almost always only be mediocre, at best. Failure is not an option, its a fact of life you must come to realize and accept.
Failure isn't as bad as it seems though. Failure is the backbone to success. You must fail, sometimes you will fail more than others, however, lessons are learned from it, and everytime you become stronger and better. At least, unless you are a complete nut to believe that different results will occur from the same actions.
When we see people and view them as successful, we are only seeing the image that is portrayed at the moment. We fail to realize that, they too, must have gone through many obstacles and hurdles in order to be where they are now. Therefore, we must tell ourselves, SUCCESS takes time, commitment and patience.
If you want to be good at something you must dedicate and persevere. Truth is, either you have a talent for something or you must work your butt off to become a professional at it. Kobe Bryant may have a talent in basketball but I'm sure if you ask him to play the piano, chances are he wont know how to. If for some odd reason he just happens to be able to, he won't be great at it. Every individual has a talent within them, a unique skill that is truly an easy simple task for them. This is the realm in which the individual should explore to acheive greatness. Finding that talent is a personal journey. No one knows you better than yourself. Whatever your passion, your enjoyment, your easy task that you can commit to. Only you know deep within yourself what it is.
If you haven't found that out yet, its okay. That is why we explore. Explore yourself to the depths of your mind, your heart, your soul's content. You will find it eventually and when you do, dedicate yourself to it. Embrace, engage, engulf yourself to that which is truly you. You can become an expert at what you love to do. Stay strong. Stay commited. Stay motivated. Stay true. Stay you.
3 Simple Steps You Must First Take In Order To Obtain Success
Looking for ways to become successful but always coming up short? That's probably because you've been looking at the wrong place. Sometimes the most basic essential rules are most often overlooked. They may even be the most crucial information you can't afford to miss out on. Build off of a rocky foundation and you'll be sure to fail. Here you'll find 3 simple, solid steps to obtain the success you've always wanted. You'll learn how to:
Before you dive into the specifics lets review these few things. To be successful, you must think successful. To think successful, you must surround yourself with successful people or study them. You then apply your knowledge, work hard, and have patience.
- Change Your Mindset
- Surround Yourself With Success/Successful people
- Visualize and Take Action
Before you dive into the specifics lets review these few things. To be successful, you must think successful. To think successful, you must surround yourself with successful people or study them. You then apply your knowledge, work hard, and have patience.
Step 1: Change your Mindset
This is probably the hardest step for you to take. You want to become successful but you don't want to feel like you're entirely someone else. That's ok. You don't have to forsake yourself. All you are changing are your bad habits, your common misconceptions, and your unsuccessful ways of thinking. If it hasn't worked for you until now, it probably never will. Its time to change your mindset. Habits form through repetition. You've been repeating this way of thinking for all your life so yes it will be difficult to break. However, now is the time you free your mind and open it up to new possibilities. Your ego will try to get in the way because it is functioning off of failed programming. Don't let that happen. Let all the false beliefs go. Everything you were taught since childhood, all the brainwashing only keeps you from obtaining your true goal, SUCCESS.
Step 2: Study Successful People
You can go about this in two ways: research historical figures who were successful or find successful people who are alive today and study or interview them. Even better, go ahead and do both.
There's a reason why historical figures made it in the book of history, so study them. You want to look at the traits they had that you want in yourself. What was their character deep inside, their values, morals, and beliefs? What was their mindset? Find books written about them or if possible find books written by them. You will feel as if you were being mentored by the greatest figures themselves! When you go out and seek these successful individuals you will see that there is a plethora of books to choose from.There will be tons of information. Information doesn't necessary contain knowledge however, so choose carefully. Pick your favorite individual, one that represents the most ideal image of who you want to be and how you want to be seen then study that individual.
Do the same thing for the success figures of today's society. Donald Trump may be out of reach, but watch interviews and specials on him. Look at the way he walks, talks, and portrays himself. What is his demeanor? Remember, you are capable of the same thing. Whenever possible, always seek first hand experience such as interviews, but if that isn't possible, go ahead and read the books they have written. Successful people usually have published their own books.
Step 3 : Visualize and Take Action
Its time to take all your knowledge and consolidate them into something tangible. Turn what you know into an action plan. The first two steps were the planning and preparation steps. This is now the most important step.
No great individual just sits and dreams of what should happen or could happen, they make it happen. You've changed your mindset to allow knowledge and wisdom to flow freely into you. You've studied all the greatest individuals in society. Now you must visualize yourself as a successful individual. You must see yourself already in possession of the things you want. That is your true self. The happiness you feel, the accomplishments you've made is because you decided for it to be that way. You have all you need to take yourself there. You're ready to take action.
Create your action plan and follow it. Be as specific as possible. "I will do this in order to get that. From that I will be able to get here and there and so forth. Only you can take yourself there. No one can hold your hand and tell you exactly how to get there but yourself. Your true self, the happy, successful individual is within you. That which you seek is already within you. Let it be your guide.
Information is all around you but this does not alway mean that the information contains knowledge. Here, you've learned 3 simple crucial steps that are probably the most valuable steps you will take for building your foundation for success.
Success does not happen overnight. It truly takes time and hard work. So keep yourself motivated. Patience. Persistence. Perserverance. As long as you put in work, you will be rewarded appropriately.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Why Dwelling In The Past And Fearing The Future Is Pointless
Often times we find ourselves contemplating about things that should have been. Oh the things that could have been accomplished if only "this" happened differently or if only "that" had no occurred. Other times we dream of how things could be. Then we say to ourselves, what if that doesn't happen. What if I can't get there? What if "this" or what if "that" . Forget it. Drop all those thoughts and focus on what you can do now. The now becomes the future very soon. Make the now a positive one so that when you look back you have something positive to look back at. Make the now a positive one so that you have more positive things to look forward to.
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"Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment" -Buddha |
The Past
Usually when people speak of the past, they speak in terms of memory and the wonderful moments they've had back in the days. These memories evoke a sense of nostalgia, a feeling of euphoric longing for the good old days, at least if one gets caught up in the thought.
This may bring about positive feelings, laughter and joys from reminiscing. However, every thought should have its limits. Once the thought of the past becomes dwelling and you find yourself consumed and obsessed with the it, its time to stop. Cut the cord before it tangles you up and chokes you. Dwelling on the past has even been linked to Depression in some cases. Keep memories what they are, simply memories. The past stays must stay in the past, we must move forward.
The Future
As for the future, in this fast paced society where technological advances seem to occur faster than one may keep up with, there's no real time to think too far ahead because if one stops to think, he will fall behind. Most of the time we are too concerned with what to do next. Keys. Check. Wallet. Check. Cell phone. Check. Check. Check. Check. Too busy checking off of a list of things to do. We must keep up with the lastest and greatest thing out there. If one does not keep up, he is in danger of facing impending doom or find himself wallowing in self-pity. What will happen if I am unable to keep up? Will I be a failure? I am a failure. Where will my life go? No one will acknowledge or respect me. I won't be cool. I won't be happy with myself. I won't. What if this? What if that? Suddenly fear creeps in and takes over.
As I was browsing the future timeline I began to ask myself, what is the purpose of all that we are doing? What makes us do what we do? What makes us WANT to do what we do? Why are we doing all these things if in the end, the results will be the same. What IS the purpose of life? Looking at the timeline, the end of time will consist of emptiness. So are we fated to end up in eternal darkness despite what good or evil we've done? I do realize that the timeline is only a prediction based on current facts we know about how the universe and the laws of the universe works. People may argue about religion and faith, however, that is another topic for discussion. This brings about my point, thinking about all that is truly pointless. Its great to want to see what possibilities there are however, to think far beyond the limitations of human comprehension and beyond our own lifetimes do more harm than good.
So why is it pointless? It is pointless because no matter how much you think about it, the truth will remain that your lifetime will end long before that is ever proven. We will never know until it happens. Just like the prediction about the world's end in 2012. Some believe. Some refuse to believe. It will only show when the time comes.
Final Thoughts
Too much of anything will do more good than harm.
Dwelling can cause Depression. It is ok to reminisce, however, too much nostalgia, too much strolling down memory lane can have a detrimental affect. Once the negative thoughts start to creep in just snap back to reality.
Fear creates Anxiety, especially fearing the future. Live and learn. No one is perfect. No one knows the absolute truth. We live in a world of illusion. Reality is what we make of it for ourselves so focus on a positive future that pertains to your lifetime. Accept what is in front of you. Don't let what you believe should be fool you. Work hard for a brighter future but in the meantime, enjoy life's gift, the present.
As I was browsing the future timeline I began to ask myself, what is the purpose of all that we are doing? What makes us do what we do? What makes us WANT to do what we do? Why are we doing all these things if in the end, the results will be the same. What IS the purpose of life? Looking at the timeline, the end of time will consist of emptiness. So are we fated to end up in eternal darkness despite what good or evil we've done? I do realize that the timeline is only a prediction based on current facts we know about how the universe and the laws of the universe works. People may argue about religion and faith, however, that is another topic for discussion. This brings about my point, thinking about all that is truly pointless. Its great to want to see what possibilities there are however, to think far beyond the limitations of human comprehension and beyond our own lifetimes do more harm than good.
So why is it pointless? It is pointless because no matter how much you think about it, the truth will remain that your lifetime will end long before that is ever proven. We will never know until it happens. Just like the prediction about the world's end in 2012. Some believe. Some refuse to believe. It will only show when the time comes.
The Present
This is the here and now. Its the only time to enjoy. Forget about what wrongs and mistakes you may have made and done. Take it as a learning lesson for a better brighter future. Too much future thinking can bring about anxiety because no one is sure of how the world will be. We are all still human beings and while the most intelligent of our species may believe they have it all figured out, their thoughts, beliefs, values, and morals will all become obsolete. So dont forget to live in the moment. Carpe Diem -- Seize the day.![]() |
"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be" -Albert Einstein |
Too much of anything will do more good than harm.
Dwelling can cause Depression. It is ok to reminisce, however, too much nostalgia, too much strolling down memory lane can have a detrimental affect. Once the negative thoughts start to creep in just snap back to reality.
Fear creates Anxiety, especially fearing the future. Live and learn. No one is perfect. No one knows the absolute truth. We live in a world of illusion. Reality is what we make of it for ourselves so focus on a positive future that pertains to your lifetime. Accept what is in front of you. Don't let what you believe should be fool you. Work hard for a brighter future but in the meantime, enjoy life's gift, the present.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
There's A Difference Between Doing Things and Getting Things Done
On the other hand, you can be working on a homework or job assignment, cleaning the room, washing the car, or taking out the trash. You can be practicing your guitar skills, piano, singing, or dancing. You can be working on a long term project even. The difference is clear. There is more to be gained from engaging in productive activities. Productivity occurs when things are getting done instead of when you are just doing something.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Everyone Should Be Respected As An Individual, But No One Idolized
“Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized”
-Albert Einstein
In today’s society, the media portrays famous people, celebrities, as idols. Images create the illusion of someone, a human, as more than they truly are. They are branded as stars, people that we should look up to and aim to be like. We have to remember that these individuals were born with all the same basic human structures, same desires, wants, and needs. These “stars” just managed to find their way to the top, by whatever means they achieved it, some in more respectable ways than others. We are all the same spiritual beings in a physical body. Some individuals are just born more fortunate than others but every human being has the potential for greatness.
As humans, we grow up being raised by our parents or guardian, we are taught values, morals, and beliefs based on our culture. These can be greatly affected by our location in the world. The values of the American culture, specifically LA, will differ significantly in comparison to the culture in Bangkok, Thailand which may drastically differ with the European cultures of Britain or France as well as those in other cities, states, or countries. Many factors can contribute into culture creation such as, poverty levels or ethnic backgrounds. In any case, children grow up having idols, mentors, or “heroes” called parents. Right from birth, the parents are idolized. Therefore, it is only natural that humans are worshiping the rich and famous. These are the “elites of society”.These individuals are viewed as special, which in many cases may be that they are talented or fortunate, and people want to be that way themselves.
If there’s anything to take away from “idols” its not to try to be exactly like they are or to worship who they are. More important than that, take away the reason behind why they are being idolized. What is it about them, what traits, what characteristic, beliefs are making this person a successful individual. Acknowledge and respect that about them and learn from them but do not obsess and spend your time treating them like heroes or stars at the expense of your own time. Your time is valuable and can be better spent to learn, to practice winning qualities for yourself, and to apply your unique gift that you were given.
Love yourself, do what makes you happy for yourself, but never at the expense of another persons misfortune and never for the wrong reasons with the wrong intentions. Avoid being lazy or selfish. Put yourself first, however, try to help others when you can. Help improve society by improving yourself as an individual, then give back when possible.
Respect others and while one should not idolize, if you are to be idolizing anyone, it should be yourself.
What defines a Man? The Difference Between a Boy and a Man
I always believed that age would be the determining factor for how a boy becomes a man. I couldn't be more wrong. Being a man has more to do with the knowledge and wisdom you obtain through experience, which is then applied into daily practice. It is the character of the individual. A boy usually does not become a man until he has experienced the ups and downs of life. So yes, you can argue that the older a man is the more experienced he has in life. However, this does not necessarily mean he's obtained the wisdom and character of being a real man.
This means that even a young boy can become a man early on in his lifetime, depending on his experiences and the circumstances. Usually growth occurs the most through suffering. [Suffering shouldn't be taken literally, it is comprised of different things for different people. For me that entails pain and hard times.] There are probably real young men that exist in many different parts of the world because they are less fortunate to be born in or living in a struggling environment. In the end, maybe they are truly the more fortunate individuals for being able to become greatly respectful individuals. The mindset and determination of a man, his resolve, his conviction, and his philosophy, determines how great of a man he is or will become.
While age brings about experience and adulthood, it is not the determining factor for manhood. Examples of this can be seen very well in today's society. There are "men" in their late 20s even up into the 30s and sometimes even 40s that have yet to grasped the concept. It is their personality, their persona, who they are, and many of them respectable individuals. Zach Galifianakis, Jack Black, and Steve Carell comes to mind. Respectful, brilliant, genius comedians of today's culture. Despite their humorous and amusing character and witty nature, they are the epitome of the term "man-child". This is especially portrayed in Zach Galifianakis' roles in the hit movies The Hangover and The Hangover 2 and The 40-year Old Virgin. I am not against who or what they stands for, I just believe this image is not what one would think of when picturing the term "real men". George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Bradley Cooper, and Liam Neeson are better representations. Keep in mind it is not limited to just actors, there are many men in countless other fields of occupation, this was just the niche I chose to pick out from.
Skimming briefly to analyze today's culture and society, one may find that there are real grown adult men who behave as teenagers and children. I am an advocate of "age being nothing but a number", and the freedom to embrace being young at heart. However, I do not associate true manhood with playing video games such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft, or Call of Duty. There may be cultures around the world that will pay hefty sums of cash and rewards for professional gamers, and that is respectful, but more productive use of time can be spent to better society and the world.
Adult male figures should focus more on being "good" role models, by not advocating foolish behavior. Some of those individuals have not truly let go of of their childish self, for whatever reasons that may be. They are usually society's "man-boy" that involves a grown male behaving in ways a child would. Stop slacking and avoiding responsibilities, or at least show that being responsible is a greater priority. Play is ok as long as its not zero work, all play.
The age of mentoring is slowly dying. The species of real men are being overrun with "old kids". And we wonder whats happening to the children of today's world, why kid's of this generation are becoming less educated. Kids are raising kids!
Becoming a man is a reality check for the male species. The transition from a boy to a man is never easy. The experience usually creates a sense of void in the individual. Strength and courage is required to overcome this. It is when he is able to rise above and become a new, stronger person because of it, will he truly then become a man.
This means that even a young boy can become a man early on in his lifetime, depending on his experiences and the circumstances. Usually growth occurs the most through suffering. [Suffering shouldn't be taken literally, it is comprised of different things for different people. For me that entails pain and hard times.] There are probably real young men that exist in many different parts of the world because they are less fortunate to be born in or living in a struggling environment. In the end, maybe they are truly the more fortunate individuals for being able to become greatly respectful individuals. The mindset and determination of a man, his resolve, his conviction, and his philosophy, determines how great of a man he is or will become.
While age brings about experience and adulthood, it is not the determining factor for manhood. Examples of this can be seen very well in today's society. There are "men" in their late 20s even up into the 30s and sometimes even 40s that have yet to grasped the concept. It is their personality, their persona, who they are, and many of them respectable individuals. Zach Galifianakis, Jack Black, and Steve Carell comes to mind. Respectful, brilliant, genius comedians of today's culture. Despite their humorous and amusing character and witty nature, they are the epitome of the term "man-child". This is especially portrayed in Zach Galifianakis' roles in the hit movies The Hangover and The Hangover 2 and The 40-year Old Virgin. I am not against who or what they stands for, I just believe this image is not what one would think of when picturing the term "real men". George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Bradley Cooper, and Liam Neeson are better representations. Keep in mind it is not limited to just actors, there are many men in countless other fields of occupation, this was just the niche I chose to pick out from.
Skimming briefly to analyze today's culture and society, one may find that there are real grown adult men who behave as teenagers and children. I am an advocate of "age being nothing but a number", and the freedom to embrace being young at heart. However, I do not associate true manhood with playing video games such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft, or Call of Duty. There may be cultures around the world that will pay hefty sums of cash and rewards for professional gamers, and that is respectful, but more productive use of time can be spent to better society and the world.
Adult male figures should focus more on being "good" role models, by not advocating foolish behavior. Some of those individuals have not truly let go of of their childish self, for whatever reasons that may be. They are usually society's "man-boy" that involves a grown male behaving in ways a child would. Stop slacking and avoiding responsibilities, or at least show that being responsible is a greater priority. Play is ok as long as its not zero work, all play.
The age of mentoring is slowly dying. The species of real men are being overrun with "old kids". And we wonder whats happening to the children of today's world, why kid's of this generation are becoming less educated. Kids are raising kids!
Becoming a man is a reality check for the male species. The transition from a boy to a man is never easy. The experience usually creates a sense of void in the individual. Strength and courage is required to overcome this. It is when he is able to rise above and become a new, stronger person because of it, will he truly then become a man.
Monday, May 7, 2012
There's Never Enough Time In A Day To Get Things Done
Woosah. Wooooosah. Breathe. Relax. It all seems a bit overwhelming. All the things that must be completed. As you look at the clock, time continues to tick away while you're struggling to manage. Your thoughts seem to be disorganized and you want to take some time to set them straight. There are so many things left on the to-do list. Yet, in the meantime, work is calling. Brain overload. Fear of getting burnt out. Not meeting deadlines. Oh and what about eating. Need to make some time to eat otherwise you won't have energy to do anything. Eating means you must prepare the food, which takes even more time. Ok, I can go get some fast food. But getting fast food is a poor health choice. No one wants to feel guilty for eating unhealthy. Will the burger and fries be worth the extra pound on the scale? Will it be worth the extra 15 to 20 minutes of workout? Choices choices. What should I do? Stop thinking and just do it! Go ahead. There's no more time to waste.
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